mk2 發表於 2010-2-27 10:54

Integra 係 Onkyo 下出即高檔野, 好似凌治同豐田差吾多

maner394 發表於 2010-2-27 11:22

係喎....呢部野仲有 isf 認證添

agnes_b 發表於 2010-2-27 21:25


djaddy 發表於 2010-2-28 03:51

Onkyo Corporation (オンキヨー株式会社, Onkyō Kabushiki-gaisha?)(JASDAQ: 6729) is a Japanese consumer electronics manufacturer, specializing in home cinema and audio equipment including receivers and surround sound speakers. The word Onkyo translates as "sound harmony".

The company started under the name of Osaka Denki Onkyo K.K in 1946. The current Onkyo Corporation umbrella includes the Integra and Integra Research divisions as well as the main Onkyo brand.

The Integras are sold only through bricks & mortars stores from authorized dealers only with a premium price for longer warranty, but that's it, the clock stops here.

Integra DTR-7.9 is exactly the same as Onkyo TX-SR806.
DTR-8.9 = TX-SR876.
DTR-9.9 = TX-NR906.
DTR-6.9 = TX-SR706.
DTR-5.9 = TX-SR606.
DTR-4.9 = TX-SR506.

The Onkyo 805 vs the 875 difference is mainly the HQV Reon video processor in the 875.
The 805 is the same as the Integra DTR-7.8.
And the 875 does not have an equivalent Integra model.
The next Integra, the DTR-8.8 is the equivalent of the Onkyo TX-NR905.
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查看完整版本: 請問大家知唔知呢部機係咩來歷? (Integra DTR40.1)

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