華仔 發表於 2020-5-14 10:22

Snowboyz 發表於 2020-5-13 18:08
我改用4ohm 後就只有微暖。


華仔 發表於 2020-5-14 10:36

真係一闊三大,事源啱啱壞咗部電視之後換咗部電視,跟住又壞amplifier所以順便轉會玩吓,点知依家又身痕想換部4K blueray機,請問各師兄有咩好推介😅🙏已經睇過啲舊post,推介Pioneer LX 500同LX800 不過据稱市面無貨,請問師兄知唔知邊到有貨?,或有其他推介?新手上路🙏🙏🙏

lnchu 發表於 2020-5-14 10:58

An amplifier's outputs have an impedance rating just as a speaker does; 4-ohm speakers should be used with the 4-ohm speaker outputs of an amplifier, and 8-ohm speakers should be used with 8-ohm amplifier outputs. A mismatch of speaker and amplifier impedances can damage the amplifier's circuits; it also results in distortion and poor sound quality. This issue is most important when you listen to loud music, as the demands on the amplifier for power are greatest at high loudness levels.

lnchu 發表於 2020-5-14 10:59

An amplifier's outputs have an impedance rating just as a speaker does; 4-ohm speakers should be used with the 4-ohm speaker outputs of an amplifier, and 8-ohm speakers should be used with 8-ohm amplifier outputs. A mismatch of speaker and amplifier impedances can damage the amplifier's circuits; it also results in distortion and poor sound quality. This issue is most important when you listen to loud music, as the demands on the amplifier for power are greatest at high loudness levels.

lnchu 發表於 2020-5-14 11:00

華仔 發表於 2020-5-14 10:22
Thank師兄,指導已改4ohm,部機開咗2個鐘都係微暖,發熱問題已解決 ...

An amplifier's outputs have an impedance rating just as a speaker does; 4-ohm speakers should be used with the 4-ohm speaker outputs of an amplifier, and 8-ohm speakers should be used with 8-ohm amplifier outputs. A mismatch of speaker and amplifier impedances can damage the amplifier's circuits; it also results in distortion and poor sound quality. This issue is most important when you listen to loud music, as the demands on the amplifier for power are greatest at high loudness levels.

華仔 發表於 2020-5-14 11:46

本帖最後由 華仔 於 2020-5-14 14:18 編輯

PepperFish@FB 發表於 2020-5-14 10:55
你試咗eco mode先好喎~ohm數要配喇叭的
我本身用M&K的,兩個方法都有用,開同一時間部keces Lps熱過佢多 ...

我都係用普通喇叭klipsch睇戲,原來klipsch係8ohm喇叭, thank

華仔 發表於 2020-5-14 11:51

lnchu 發表於 2020-5-14 11:00
An amplifier's outputs have an impedance rating just as a speaker does; 4-ohm speakers should be u ...

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