Ad@m 發表於 2020-4-24 00:07

Crystal Cable Dream Duet

請教各位師兄, Crystal Cable Dream Duet 現在係未只有右店有賣同埋市價幾多錢?
見肥花有人賣7000, 好似平好多.

choisan 發表於 2020-4-24 08:34

dream duet is history already, you can/should try new material.
every month has new cable out, expensive and expensive.

you can find easily for these cables in this forum, so many representatives from dealers/distributor

Chubill 發表於 2020-4-24 09:06

線越貴代表越好? 一條耳機缐下下萬幾2萬真係好貴{:1_331:}

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-4-24 10:42

本帖最後由 HugoPoon@FB 於 2020-4-24 11:09 編輯

choisan 發表於 2020-4-24 08:34
dream duet is history already, you can/should try new material.
every month has new cable out, expe ...

In the past couple of weeks, I've tried out quite a number of the TOTL cables from various brands, Vietnamese, American, Singaporean and local HK. Some are good, some are fun, some are so-so... but interestingly, I find none of these new flagship cables (using new materials) can outperform the Dream Duet either technically or musically.

So, instead of calling the Dream Duet "history already", I would regard it as a legend, a living legend.😊

PS. I trust people will (or pay to) learn to do their own research, think independently and judge for themselves instead of following blindly what other people say.

patrick@wong 發表於 2020-4-24 12:46

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2020-4-24 13:33 編輯

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-4-24 10:42
In the past couple of weeks, I've tried out quite a number of the TOTL cables from various brands, ...

Absolutely agree with "think independently and judge for themselves instead of following blindly what other people say". "New materials or expensive cables" should not equivalent to better. Dream duet is still a legend for me till now, even i nearly tried all flagships recent years.Although not all people like the characteristics, it cannot denied that should be one of the irreplaceble portable cable in the market.

choisan 發表於 2020-4-24 19:21

i always enjoy watching reviews in post76.
in fact, post76 is having the most new products review, better than going to shops. i will never miss reading from here. magnificent and awesome

Ad@m 發表於 2020-4-25 00:32

Chubill 發表於 2020-4-24 09:06
線越貴代表越好? 一條耳機缐下下萬幾2萬真係好貴

供求問題冇辦法, 當初係旺角試聽過條 dream duet, 表現係滿意, 但認為價格偏高所以冇買到, 但前日見二手有人放平好多, 所以心思思.
Anyway, 多謝各位寶貴既意見.{:1_245:}

Chubill 發表於 2020-4-25 00:52

Ad@m 發表於 2020-4-25 00:32
供求問題冇辦法, 當初係旺角試聽過條 dream duet, 表現係滿意, 但認為價格偏高所以冇買到, 但前日見二手 ...

7000條dream duet係可考慮, 不過提你要試下條缐有冇接觸不良, 輕輕拉下條線, 個頭左右移下聽下會唔會有一邊耳無聲

zeven 發表於 2020-4-25 12:47


ip_csl 發表於 2020-4-25 12:56

zeven 發表於 2020-4-25 12:47

原價$12,800(2.5mm). 因己經過了保用才賣平D
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