玩物養志 入手 BlueSound
閉關屋企,執揾返好多以前既CD,於是今日終於身痕入手 BlueSound Vault 2i,星期六就一口氣儲曬所有 CD入去!之後會玩下串流Tidal,Spotify,當然最重要係試下個 MQA!
恭喜師兄 請問幾錢入手 osmond 發表於 2020-5-28 18:34
恭喜師兄 請問幾錢入手
已PM 恭喜師兄, 師兄邊度買, 買左幾銀呀, 可否PM 師兄可否告知那裏購買?謝謝 stephen_brother 發表於 2020-6-14 23:15
已PM chiubyeung 發表於 2020-6-14 14:57
恭喜師兄, 師兄邊度買, 買左幾銀呀, 可否PM
已PM 想問讀mqa應該是 render嗎,不會是硬解吧!謝謝 cn8468 發表於 2020-6-15 12:47
想問讀mqa應該是 render嗎,不會是硬解吧!謝謝
Built into every Bluesound Player is a revolutionary end-to-end (studio -speaker) technology known as Master Quality Authenticated (MQA), which captures and delivers master quality audio from your favorite artists’recording sessions to any room in your home. Each Bluesound Player includes a powerful decoder and audio renderer for the MQA system, allowing you to hear exactly what the artist recorded and approved in the studio.
Ching 希望幫到你。 想問下CHING , 我近日個 BLUOS APP 搵歌時, 一選完歌星個APPS就閃退, 各位有冇這個問題??