《Capone》Tom Hardy, Linda Cardellini
導演 :Josh Trank主演 : Tom Hardy, Linda Cardellini, Noel Fisher, Jack Lowden, Matt Dillon, Kyle MacLachlan
美國上映日期: 2020年05月12日
A ruthless businessman and bootlegger who ruled Chicago with an iron fist, Al "Fonzo" Capone (Tom Hardy) was the most infamous and feared gangster of American lore. At the age of 47, following nearly a decade of imprisonment, dementia rots Capone's mind and his past becomes present as harrowing memories of his violent and brutal origins melt into his waking life.
LHYlKQSc7rA vZ9U1dWsXcg 綽號「疤面」的艾爾卡彭,是美國最惡名昭彰的黑幫教父,並在禁酒時期透過暴力手段,擴大非法私酒生意,甚至接管芝加哥犯罪集團,成為聯合創始人。他擅長塑造良好名聲,並向各個慈善機構捐款,讓他曾被許多人視為「現代羅賓漢」。不過他在情人節大屠殺事件中,在光天化日之下殺害七名男子,讓他的名聲一落千丈。最後卡彭遭到定罪,並在聯邦監獄被判處11年徒刑。出獄後,他的身體狀況也因為染病惡化,甚至開始出現幻象。飽受身心折磨的他,在面對警方懷疑他窩藏巨款的情況下,將會做出怎麼樣難以想像的決定呢?
台灣上映日期: 2020年07月10日