marsover 發表於 2020-4-20 22:40

師兄, 我放背包, 部Hugo2 都已經幾熱下, 加埋2Go 會唔會更熱?

Chubill 發表於 2020-4-20 23:01

marsover 發表於 2020-4-20 22:40
師兄, 我放背包, 部Hugo2 都已經幾熱下, 加埋2Go 會唔會更熱?

Hugo2係幾熱😝, 不過你放心, 的熱唔係在2go, 所以唔會更熱

AMURORay@G 發表於 2020-4-20 23:11

但係有個問題, 華為手機好似唔支援 DLNA,而 2 go好似只支援DLNA, 咁啱我用華為p30 Pro, 有冇師兄有相關資料

secretplayer 發表於 2020-4-20 23:43

本帖最後由 secretplayer 於 2020-4-20 23:45 編輯

Chord Poly 用家路經, 小弟中文輸入有點慢, 抱歉要半英半中.

Just a very very kind advice, I've been using Chord Poly for quite sometimes, and I noticed a very big problem with Chord Poly, when you switch to (Hotspot) mode and use third party DLNA apps, chord poly creates VERY loud irritating electronic noise. I can say Chord did a very good job, whereas the DAC works very well no matter in cable mode or wireless mode, but this electronic noise is a very well known issue for Chord Poly users. For those who are interested in this Hugo Wireless adaptor, i suggest you go and listen first before acting further. Of course, I really hope this issue has been resolved, I am still a die-hard fans of Chord products.

Some little tips I learnt from using Chord Poly, I am not sure if this apply to Chord 2Go as well.

1) For wireless mode, I suggest using Airplay to cast your music. (Hotspot mode) quite bad..(Apple has an advantage more on Chord's product)
2) Always use a 2amp + charger to charge your unit. (People said will help to reduce the electronic noise when using wireless mode)
3) Last and not least, the most important thing, the internal battery is REALLY bad, when poly says can run approx 8 hours, mine can only run for 3-4 hours. (Another well known issue on Chord Poly)

I never tried the new Chord 2Go unit, but here's reference as a Chord Poly user.

SIDI 發表於 2020-4-21 00:29

Chubill 發表於 2020-4-20 18:24
1. 如果你有Hugo2, 真係可以衝
2. 如果你冇Hugo2, 但聽過同鍾意佢個聲, 可考慮


AMURORay@G 發表於 2020-4-21 00:33

secretplayer 發表於 2020-4-20 23:43
Chord Poly 用家路經, 小弟中文輸入有點慢, 抱歉要半英半中.

Just a very very kind advice, I've been us ...

如果佢個 DLNA剩係用來聽串流的話對我無影響,因為我只想用來聽 SD card啲歌

Chubill 發表於 2020-4-21 01:05

AMURORay@G 發表於 2020-4-21 00:33
如果佢個 DLNA剩係用來聽串流的話對我無影響,因為我只想用來聽 SD card啲歌 ...

應該讀sd card都係用DLNA

AMURORay@G 發表於 2020-4-21 01:18

Chubill 發表於 2020-4-21 01:05
應該讀sd card都係用DLNA


Chubill 發表於 2020-4-21 01:24

AMURORay@G 發表於 2020-4-21 01:18

買部2手ipad mini做control

AMURORay@G 發表於 2020-4-21 01:43

Chubill 發表於 2020-4-21 01:24
買部2手ipad mini做control

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