電腦白痴之Media Player 的選擇.
各位Ching, 我係一名電腦白痴,但又想玩Media Player, 唔知有乜好介紹呢? 當然想聲音比較好啦,因為都想新買嘅AV Amp發揮吓作用. 謝謝各Ching幫忙!{:6_162:} 唔使咁煩惱,一於揀N3啦...{:6_142:}http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=30597
http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=31562 百事佬Ching, 多謝你比意見,不過部嘢好似好鬼貴,再加埋HDD,我諗我買咗都冇機會享受,因為老細一定殺死我!!{:6_129:} Hope the following can help you :
1. 目前市场最常用的高清播放机芯片有: Realtek 1073, 1283, Sigma 8635, 8643, 8655
2. Realtek 芯片可以播放RVMB文件, Sigma 不能.
3. Sigma 支持 TrueHD, DTS-HD. Realtek 1073 不支持 TrueHD, 1283 可以通过 TrueHD, DTS-HD 但不解码!
4. Sigma 芯片的声音、图像效果更好.
注: 在46寸以下电视上看不出区别,在46~55寸电视上,如果把两个画面放在一起会注意到有差别。超过55寸差别就非常明显了。
5. 固件更新非常、非常关键!
6. 芯片价格排序从低到高 1073, 8635 or 1283, 8655, 8643
WD TV (8635 比 8655 慢 70%)
WD TV LIVE (8655)
Popcorn Hour C-200、HDX BD-1 (8642/3, fastest)
Xtreamer (1283)
Asus O!Play (1073)
关注画面质量的, 选 Sigma
关注支持更多媒体格式和兼容性的, 选 Realtek 師兄,資料非常詳盡....{:6_193:} 如果唔係太識電腦都係盡量搵番d冇咁多bug的player.如果唔係就算有再多function,都煩死你. 回復 1# ack_lam
如果想 bitstream HD-audio, TrueHD, DTS-D Master 等,
最好撰擇 Sigma Design 863x, 864x, 865x chipset,
多數 bitstream 冇問題 {:6_142:} 多謝哂所有Ching嘅意見,想問吓HD8A好唔好呢? Prefer HTPC
Advantages for HTPC
WIN7 +Quad Core CPU + ATI5xxx can support DTSHD- TRUE HD all format , BDISO , TS ,RMVB. Original BD , DVD
- Play DVD is excellent under using Avnsyth software.
also picture qty is much better than N3or other media player,because as I compare with N3
HTPC can support 8bit upscale to 12bit deepcolour colour in 1080P RGB format, other media palyercannot . Also many pic setting can set in HTPC , N3 just have little pic setting.
HTPC is difficult to setup . HTPC should be good, but any good suggetions for a small case and quiet operation?