ricoy288 發表於 2010-3-11 01:32

黑色好呀(有黑有黃有銀一齊,超配), 我都係全套黑色.

zz9999 發表於 2010-3-11 13:43

恭喜晒 ching, 祝生日快樂!
我上星期都收到 Quad 12L2 做生日禮物 {:6_208:}

bbocram 發表於 2010-3-11 17:43

小弟今晚終於忍唔住,用最大o既勇氣同左老闆申請換喇叭(cm7),佢境 ...
garyso 發表於 2010-3-10 00:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

好老實....唔夠力推, 等換amp啦 {:6_136:}

你地方幾大??? 聽咩纇型既歌?? 係唔係一定要用座地先??? {:6_141:}

babuwa 發表於 2010-3-13 03:20

AudioLab 8000 連CM 1都未必推得掂,唔好話CM 7{:6_136:}{:6_136:}

eggcake92 發表於 2010-3-13 11:03

換 換 換 換 x infinity

eggcake92 發表於 2010-3-13 11:06


ram 發表於 2010-3-13 11:10

恭喜晒 ching, 祝生日快樂!
我上星期都收到 Quad 12L2 做生日禮物
zz9999 發表於 2010-3-11 13:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

小弟諗住收到Quad L2 Center 做生日禮物以經好叻{:6_177:}, 點知師兄你重叻{:6_123:}

matt 發表於 2010-3-13 14:05

to be honest, better take your amp to the dealer to test the speaker whether suit your test first as your amp is not too heavy. then you have no regret to buy it. once you brought it, it will be night mare if you dont satisfy the sound - upgrade and upgrade.... changing and changing. loss a lot of money!
then you can test different speakers. pls make appointment with different dealer first bfore you hand carry the amp over there as some dealer do not provide this service!

matt 發表於 2010-3-13 14:06

trust your ear and no need to guess!

garyso 發表於 2010-3-14 00:58

小弟今日放工拎左幾隻碟上美麗華試,聽左幾首之後老闆話好似同屋企冇咩分別,之後試一試隔離果對805s,老婆話好好多,不如買依對,唔駛遲d又換...嘩...雖然價錢唔係差好多,不過我要換埋屋企d amp先招呼到佢,而且個sales哥哥話805s已經冇貨返,所以唔駛諗.....
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查看完整版本: 個喇叭冇啦啦拆聲 成功申請換cm7

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