raymondcch 發表於 2010-2-25 22:11

SUB仔線一問 - wireworld oasis

想問有無師兄用個wireworld oasis? 表演如何?

小弟現用qed ref 於svs pc13u, 想upgrade...唔知好唔好呢?
定係整條qed signature算???

hellowe 發表於 2010-2-25 22:17

用緊QED Ref.去SVS PC12-NSD, 訂緊條Wireworld Oasis 1->2 RCA, 應該下星期到,遲d比d意見給你!!

mats 發表於 2010-2-25 22:31

我都有興趣 Wireworld Oasis,

Pls report.

Thank you


claero 發表於 2010-2-25 22:36

i have used qed signature , audioquest sub 3 and wire world oasis before , i can sure that qed was not suit svs style ,it will affect that svs can't perform the lowest part as normal, i did tried sub 3 and oaisis suit svs a lot better than qed .

KEVIN9178 發表於 2010-2-25 22:43

呢期興條oasis woh. 有d 師兄都由sub-3 轉做oasis.

不過想問下條oasis 1出1 既 rca 同1出2 rca 份別係邊呢??

micma 發表於 2010-2-25 22:45

一於oasis la{:6_193:}

lemonstar 發表於 2010-2-25 22:50

想問有無師兄用個wireworld oasis? 表演如何?

小弟現用qed ref 於svs pc13u, 想upgrade...唔知好唔好呢?
raymondcch 發表於 2010-2-25 22:11 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

C hing, don't consider qed signature since it will tighten the svs a lot. I am an ex-qed signature user and now I changed to sub3 for my 13u. So far so good.
haven't tried oasis though.

claero 發表於 2010-2-25 23:05

wire world and sub 3 was similar , only the quantity of oasis was little compare to sub 3 , the speed of both was almost the same . depends you want more or less only.

raymondcch 發表於 2010-2-25 23:08

thank you !!!!

anessa 發表於 2010-2-25 23:51

wireworld oasis 應該會好過 qed
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