TCL 3D Monitor
本帖最後由 hohodog900 於 2010-2-25 20:50 編輯Today I made trip in China, and flight at Shenzhen Airport.
I found there is a demo for TCL 3D monitor, and it is great since it don't need wear glasses and 3D effect is very close to "Avatar 3D"
it is good news for those "4 eyes boy", if this monitor is going into home theater! 今期12蚊AV有講呢部机,原來要18萬一部唔怪得咁正,第日普及咗賣萬八就正啦,唔使帶眼鏡䏲3D,正! 18萬一部{:6_121:}都係睇吓算把啦!{:6_136:} TCL都要18萬.....{:6_206:} 哩d價位{:6_136:}, 暫時都係商用多囉{:6_178:},平民化的路還有排囉!!{:6_123:} TCL都要18萬.....
Cascd 發表於 2010-4-7 13:38
高科技唔使帶眼鏡喎,重有唔好意思搞錯咗,唔喺登喺12蚊AV,喺登喺今期PCM至真,Sorry! 早前沙田火車站都有幾部展視......... 18萬.....{:6_192:}仲要係TCL.....{:6_200:} 高科技唔使帶眼鏡喎,重有唔好意思搞錯咗,唔喺登喺12蚊AV,喺登喺今期PCM至真,Sorry! ...
hohodog900 發表於 2010-4-7 15:24
我都知道,我ge意思係連TCL都要咁ge價錢,Sony, Samsung etc,咪更貴.... 我都知道,我ge意思係連TCL都要咁ge價錢,Sony, Samsung etc,咪更貴....
Cascd 發表於 2010-4-7 20:41
好似話喺TCL專利設計唔知Sony, Samsung 有冇類似產品?