發表於 2010-2-26 01:45
body 會唔會好膠或唔夠墜手?
發表於 2010-2-26 03:11
body 會唔會好膠或唔夠墜手?
wil-wil 發表於 2010-2-26 01:45 AM http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
的確有D膠, 夠唔夠墜手就睇下你用開咩機, 加支Tamron AF18-270mm or/& 直度就肯定有返咁上下!{:6_174:}
發表於 2010-2-26 08:54
其實要去邊先問到你地果價?我問 永成/百記/豐澤/中原,個個都答我現金同VISA都係公價!
發表於 2010-2-26 09:59
係 law.... 我好想買....
唔該話我知邊到平 ...
發表於 2010-2-26 10:05
18-55 kit $6850
55-250mm $1650
50mm 1.8 $695
Totay $9195
Free(8G SDHC, 腳架、保護貼、袋)
貴唔貴? ...
law1987 發表於 2010-2-25 18:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
can c-hing PM where to buy ar?
this set seems attractive wor
發表於 2010-2-26 10:48
Yes, I sold mine earlier on $3XXX with vertical grip (but my grip only cost me $6XX with the promo ...
lemonstar 發表於 2010-2-25 16:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Hi Lemonstar...Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
You case is similar to me as I'm using my cam by 3.5years and buying the grip at 6xx. And well understand it's time to have some changing as I found black and red colors on the photos are not really good from my cam. And, AI servo focus sensibility and speed are both not good enough too. ISO and full HD video are other consideration.
Almost every week I shoot photos to my child and you know he will not listen to your instruction and just run and run....AI servo sensibility, focus speed, high speed shooting are really help me to shoot clear pictures to my child and this is one of the reason why I'm considering 7d. Also, I have efs lens 10-22 too.
If go to FF, I know I will not satisfy using 17-40 as standard lens and will either buy 24-70 or 24-105.
Anyway, all the above are just my thinking since earning money in these 2 years are really hard. Maybe I need to wait for 7dm2.
發表於 2010-2-26 15:47
其實要去邊先問到你地果價?我問 永成/百記/豐澤/中原,個個都答我現金同VISA都係公價! ...
阿定 發表於 2010-2-26 08:54 AM http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
發表於 2010-2-26 15:56
我見到有人 1855 kit ^%)) 入手,點解會咁架,人心不足蛇X象,不如CANON送一部比我,我全港討論區的 footer 都改晒做 550D 的廣告吧!
發表於 2010-2-26 16:15
最終$(!)) Cash買左!
(!(% VISA 應該ok~~
law1987 發表於 2010-2-26 01:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
好正, 我想 550 + Tamron 18-270 + Canon 50/1.8(? 幾百果支定蕉) , ching 俾下意見, 謝謝
發表於 2010-2-26 16:30
我見到有人 1855 kit ^%)) 入手,點解會咁架,人心不足蛇X象,不如CANON送一部比我,我全港討論區的 footer ...
阿定 發表於 2010-2-26 03:56 PM http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif