昨天買了部BDP-LX52一心想試PQLS,但攪左成日都開唔到,打去先鋒問佢話對唔住90對應唔到HDMI的PQLS,I-LINK先可以,但音響技術336期王子聰先生都係用90佢就對應到,究竟係王生攪錯定係先鋒攪錯? 本帖最後由 SonSon 於 2010-2-24 12:36 編輯LX90真係唔對應PQLS sorry to hear that..... 其實唔使一定要PQLS,以90嘅質數我相信用同唔用
我自己就在試音會聽過LX82,我就分唔到(小弟功力未夠) Yes agreed.I try to AB test the 2 channel PQLS with analog output (use an audio quest RCA and QED hdmi for fair comparsion) , it's real that the sound more loud and clear and base more sharp, but the voice is very cold no music feeling, so I never turn on the PQLS when enjoying music. (my amp is cheap cheap 919 even not LX grade......){:6_194:} PQLS真係gimmick野,用唔到唔使失望。講真以你既器材,比amp解碼一定好過你用PQLS。 DENON LINK 4th 一定有料到
{:6_241:} 呢個問題先前都有版友問過,我地亦求証過 Pionner,所以應該係雜誌搞錯! 國人兄都會攪錯....???