Alman 發表於 2020-2-1 09:02

Audionote DAC 2.1 DIY

小弟在另帖提及diy DAC 2.1.現在另起爐灶, 分享其過程。 小弟年紀大, 雖然有空閒時間, 但也不能長時間diy。 今日只完成機腳, choke及火牛部分。 看完其manual, 覺得介紹diy步驟非常清晰。 而其提供的零件分門別類入於膠袋, 附有parts lists, 非常有條理, 令小弟印象甚佳{:1_351:}。 反觀年前購入的 GG 前級kit, 真係不可同日而語。小弟對此DAC甚有幾望, 完工後定必優勝於現在的 Cambridge Audio cd player 的 解碼也{:1_245:}

Alman 發表於 2020-2-3 11:11

本帖最後由 Alman 於 2020-2-10 10:28 編輯

昨日花了幾個小時完成M2 供電。之後根據manual測試電源: 點知樣樣都冇問題, 只係B+供電 應有260V, 但量度得 420V dc{:1_248:}。多次check接線及零件都ok。頭都大埋。最後發覺其中兩隻電阻有問題, 一隻應是 15K ohm得 1.5K; 另一隻應是150K, 只得15K, 顯然比錯兼小弟又搞錯照焊。 電郵負責人, 他說會再寄予小弟。 當中有隻Mundorf Supreme 同 Evo Oil 電容, 算係重料。

Alman 發表於 2020-2-10 10:20

今日焊埋digital同line board, 連埋廠已焊好的DAC boad, 仲差兩粒M2 供電電阻, 已完成大半{:1_253:}。 焊個兩大隻重手Audio Note copper foil, 甚有滿足感{:1_262:}。

DAC board

Alman 發表於 2020-2-13 11:27


換了兩粒正確數值電阻後, B+ 仍然係 420 vdc 而非應有的 260!負責人叫小弟量度 Zenor Diode voltage 時, 才知原來錯將diode 及 zenor doide 掉轉咗{:1_247:}。 更正之後再度: 261 vdc , perfect{:1_351:}. 今個周末可以完成佢啦{:1_352:}

Achow 發表於 2020-2-13 22:24

本帖最後由 Achow 於 2020-2-13 23:16 編輯

做幾個位可以upgrade parts

find this to explain how C1 and C8 work in M2 power supply.
So I guess the most important CAP in M2 power supply is C1, C8, C5 and C3

The pentode in the 6BM8 is a series pass regulator. The triode is a high speed (wide band) error amplifier. C1 appears to bypass C3 (a power supply reservoir cap), but the regulator pentode is between them (C3 and C1). The pentode functions as a dynamic dropping resistor in a pi CRC filter.

The B+ (stock) is taken off the top of the resistor string on the pentode's cathode. The error signal and the grid bias for the regulators error amplifier (the triode) come from the voltage dividers in this resistor string.

C1 acts to correct the fastest and earliest portion of the ‘error’ (really just the voltage drop across the power supplies impedance) caused by the analog stages drawing power. This cap needs to present a low impedance across the audio range, but only supplies energy during the short time between when the error voltage occurs and when the regulator responds. It covers (corrects) the leading edge of the error and decreases the error. If C1 does its job well, the regulator sees an error that it is fast enough to correct. A higher value cap in this position makes the regulator work harder, as it must correct the error and fill the droop in the cap.

C8 is a coupling capacitor that passes the remaining error (stripped of the fast leading edge by C1) to the grid of the error amplifier (the 6BM8 triode). The signal that has passed through C8 is amplified by the triode and direct coupled to the grid of the series pass element (pentode), where it changes the series resistance (of the pentode) to compensate for the error. Any alteration of the error signal by C8 is amplified by the error correction amplifier (6BM8 triode). This causes the Pentode to produce a change in resistance that over or under corrects the actual error, resulting in coloration or worse.

The functions of C1 (initial error correction/reduction) and C8 (coupling the remaining error to the error amplifier) place them in a position to strongly influence the sound quality of the analog stages, as you have observed.

Alman 發表於 2020-2-14 11:41

Achow 發表於 2020-2-13 22:24
做幾個位可以upgrade parts

find this to explain how C1 and C8 work in M2 power supply.

好有用資料, 多謝!{:1_245:}

Alman 發表於 2020-2-16 07:32

所有出聲工序完成, 試聲: 無聲出!正 figuring it out...

Alman 發表於 2020-2-17 03:12


無聲原因係要接去switch 去activate SDPIF input, 以為剩得coaxial輸入, 唔駛接switch。這段仔線用了 Duelund cotton oil 26 awg silver 線。

初步開聲, 聲音開放, 音場闊, 但欠少少份量。 即時可以做的是加上三隻 水晶釘腳, 機內加礦砂。 稍後訂番條 發燒fuse同埋Achow 兄提議, upgrade M2 的 caps 也。

rippy 發表於 2020-2-18 00:47


我剛完成呢塊M2X B+ 276VDC (正確around 260VDC)



Alman 發表於 2020-2-18 04:16

rippy 發表於 2020-2-18 00:47

我剛完成呢塊M2X B+ 276VDC (正確around 260VDC)

應該冇問題。 Manual 內用appropriately 260VDC。如有疑問, 可直接email Brian。
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