antonio57 發表於 2020-1-10 18:22


本帖最後由 antonio57 於 2020-1-10 18:24 編輯

舊嘅套裝機死咗, 買咗套 Denon 1600H + Polk Audio S10+S35+PSW111 subwoofer優惠套裝, 地方唔大仲考慮緊買邊對細size 喇叭做前置, 暫時用住S10 做前置頂住先.
S10 & S35都係8Ω, 想請教各位師兄剩返嗰四隻4Ω衛星喇叭可唔可以串聯成兩隻後置用住先? 爬過文見到話兩隻4Ω串聯可以當成一隻8Ω喇叭, 咁睇落可以配合返S10 & S35嘅阻抗, 實際又是否如此? Thanks~!

lnchu 發表於 2020-1-10 19:32

本帖最後由 lnchu 於 2020-1-10 19:36 編輯

Carry out the following settings when using a speaker with an impedance of 4 – 6Ω/ohms.1. Press and hold the main unit’s ZONE2 SOURCE and STATUS at the sametime for at least 3 seconds.“V.Format:< PAL>” appears on the display. 2. Press DIMMER on the main unit three times.“Sp.Imp.:<8ohms>” appears on the display.
3. Press TUNER PRESET CH + or TUNER PRESET CH - on the main unit to select the impedance.
8 ohms(Default):Select when the impedance for all of the connected speakers is 8 Ω/ohms or over.
6 ohms: Select when the impedance for any of the connected speakers is 6 Ω/ohms.
4 ohms: Select when the impedance for any of the connected speakers is 4 Ω/ohms.
4. Press the main unit’s STATUS to complete the setting

MDLP 發表於 2020-1-11 07:14


antonio57 發表於 2020-1-11 11:01

lnchu 發表於 2020-1-10 19:32
Carry out the following settings when using a speaker with an impedance of 4 – 6Ω/ohms.1. Press an ...

Thanks. Have read this in the amp manual but just wanna see whether it's possible to keep the setting at 8Ω to fit the new speakers.

antonio57 發表於 2020-1-11 11:35

MDLP 發表於 2020-1-11 07:14

Thanks, 正是呢D全音域衛星喇叭.

lnchu 發表於 2020-1-11 12:07

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查看完整版本: 4隻4Ω衛星喇叭能否串聯成兩隻後置?

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