Tvix 6500 Firmware
大家覺得邊個Ver Firmware 最好,thk 1# joeshingI don't see much different with various firmware version.
The main problem of Tvix 6500 is the "Slot-in" TV Card.
It did not detect any TV channels.I have called the distributor in HK, they said it is well-known problem, but they don't have any solution. la....
new firmware=no change{:1_250:} 咁兩位你地用緊咩Ver Firmware ,thk i use badeip 1.5.19 我試過用EPG set好時間錄影,部機到時間識開機但唔識錄影,唔知syeah是否一樣,thk push....... 我試過用EPG set好時間錄影,部機到時間識開機但唔識錄影,唔知syeah是否一樣,thk ...
joeshing 發表於 2010-2-23 23:29
Sorry I do not have TV Tuner with my 6500a thk syeah..........