4 Feb 2010 係future shop 訂左條2m QED reference hdmi...全world 都過年前收晒...收唔到都有張card去post office 拎啦....今日confirm 埋大玩偶都係初四去post office拎埋...心諗冇理由ga....今日下午即時send email 俾future shop check 下件件咩料...好快就reply 左如下:"Thank you for your email.
Your order was dispatched on February 4th using First Class Royal Mail International mail services to the following address:
HK, Hong Kong
The item should have been with you within 7 working days. I have checked the status of your order and it appears that it may have been mis directed to Russia. This is an error by the Royal mail.
This is very unusual and if this happens the the item is usually redirected to the correct address.
I can only apologise for this. If the item is not with you by this timenext week, please let me know.
Once again I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
I hope this helps but if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
黑成咁{:6_156:} Hope u get these soon.
How about the performance of QED reference subwoofer cable?
ryanenen 發表於 2010-2-22 22:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I satisfied with QED reference sub cable ar....good c/p value...bass more tight....kx12's bass not tight as mx250... so i think it doesn't fit mx250....but someone dissatisfied it because much bass disappeared and no heart punch feeling. 我都係今日收到,不過係post office張卡、因剛剛不在,明日開工,只可星期六先去取.
我同一日分開幾次訂,唔知會係1個package or 分開幾個呢,有冇師兄可以講講. {:6_223:}去0左 Russia 遊埠.... From Russia with love !!! 條綫要去俄羅斯冷凍,希望師兄早日收貨。
我年三十晚先落啊打,都吾知三月前有無貨收! 我都係今日收到,不過係post office張卡、因剛剛不在,明日開工,只可星期六先去取.
我同一日分開幾次訂,唔知會係1個package or 分開幾個呢,有冇師兄可以講講. ...
ricoy288 發表於 2010-2-22 22:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都係10/2夜晚訂.....依家都仲未有消息....唉..{:6_187:} 我都係6/2夜晚訂...they said that the items were dispatched on 08/02.but .依家都仲未有消息 係好特別case喎,你當條線代你去左Russia遊浮啦,最緊要到,唔好唔開心啦,遲到早到都係到,平常心,{:6_182:} 又會咁都有.... 我諗住自己年 30 收唔到份件已經黑仔啦 ...
點知你果件仲大劑... {:6_130:}