rockmirage96 發表於 2020-2-5 11:23

鄺偉傑@FB 發表於 2020-2-5 11:05
重點唔係電壓而係電流 你隊落去d真class a 擴就知個層次

除此之外Triton 1人聲亦傾向忠實反映,無乜毒性,我食開啲人聲前既都唔係我杯茶{:1_253:}

鄺偉傑@FB 發表於 2020-2-5 11:55

rockmirage96 發表於 2020-2-5 11:23
如果IEM要玩擴我個人就偏向唔考慮,盡量以輕便為主,一DAP一線一IEM原則(試玩或者玩fd既就梗係無所謂{:1_ ...

重點唔係要落擴 而係大部份d dap 只會做電壓輸出

patrick@wong 發表於 2020-2-5 12:56

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2020-2-5 14:08 編輯

鄺偉傑@FB 發表於 2020-2-5 11:55
重點唔係要落擴 而係大部份d dap 只會做電壓輸出

是的現有dap都只做電壓而且只集中搞2.5, 4.4……另外,人聲前後也是深度表現一部份!聽音樂其實音源為首,耳機為次!而且不同音源錄音時已有人聲前後位置、樂器位置、解析度、空間音埸、反射共振等……有暖有冷有厚有薄!小弟覺得真實還原入耳先至好玩而且重要,可以分辦不同錄音版本錄音師的調音,這返映錄音師對作品嘅了解之後再混音,這才是樂趣!可以了解作品意境和錄音師的混音功力更清楚!忠實反映錄音嘅能力正正是現今大部份旗艦入耳所欠缺的!而且DAP本身又已經又再加味調音(但往往最大限制就係DAP到),線材本身也有偏向,耳機上無乜必要又再大力加味!

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-2-5 14:04

本帖最後由 HugoPoon@FB 於 2020-2-5 14:20 編輯

patrick@wong 發表於 2020-2-5 12:56
是的現有dap都只做電壓而且只集中搞2.5, 4.4……另外,人聲前後也是深度表現一部份!聽音樂其實音源為首 ...

A little long but worth reading and trying.

"The proposed method: Comparison by contrast.

... The way to sort out which system or component is more accurate is to invert the test. Instead of comparing a handful of recordings - presumed to be definitive - on two different systems to determine which one coincides with our present feeling about the way that music ought to sound, play a larger number of recordings of vastly different styles and recording technique on two different systems to hear which system reveals more differences between the recordings. This is a procedure which anyone with ears can make use of, but requires letting go of some of our favoured practices and prejudices...

The more accurate system is the one which reproduces more differences - more contrast between the various program sources."

Using the above method, I find my LPGT and LP6000 not a bad match with the Triton 1.:-)

This said, still looking foward to replacing the cable to bring further improvements.:-)

patrick@wong 發表於 2020-2-5 14:23

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2020-2-5 14:24 編輯

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-2-5 14:04
A little long but worth reading and trying.

"The proposed method: Comparison by contrast.

Because your DAPs still not good enough current to drive well{:1_253:}....About the cable u already have the lowest distortion one

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-2-5 14:29

本帖最後由 HugoPoon@FB 於 2020-2-5 14:31 編輯

patrick@wong 發表於 2020-2-5 14:23
Because your DAPs still not good enough current to drive well....About the cable u alread ...
The LPGT and LP6000 aren't too bad...
PS. The cable is ready?:-)

patrick@wong 發表於 2020-2-5 14:34

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2020-2-5 14:48 編輯

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-2-5 14:29
The LPGT and LP6000 aren't too bad...
PS. The cable is ready?:-)

Try my dap next time. Btw, China side factory should have a bit delay i guess because of the issue of coronavirus disease

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-2-5 15:06

patrick@wong 發表於 2020-2-5 14:34
Try my dap next time. Btw, China side factory should have a bit delay i guess because of the issue ...

No hurry. Take good care!

Alcam224 發表於 2020-2-10 23:08

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2019-12-26 00:11
完全同意! 我對Triton 1 今天剛好兩星期,最欣賞佢兩個超強項: 一係佢嘅高音表現,其二就係細節嘅重演。


Ching 用咩推{:1_347:}

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-2-11 01:39

Alcam224 發表於 2020-2-10 23:08
Ching 用咩推

Hugo 2, Lotoo PAW 6000 & Lotoo PAW Gold Touch... 幾個老友就用SP2000。
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查看完整版本: Spear Labs Triton 1 嶄新聽感……超脱音箱體驗

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