day2013 發表於 2019-12-25 06:19

《블러드 사쿠라》Blood Sakura

本帖最後由 day2013 於 2019-12-25 06:21 編輯

      A cruel travelogue that takes place in Kokura, the hometown of Japanese mystery novel master Matsumoto Seicho. A cinematographer named Oh Seong-gil is the only survivor from the ‘Highway 32 Taxi Murder’, in which a whole team of filming staff disappeared.He survived thanks to a miracle, and he has been collecting evidence and witnesses to look for the culprit and make a movie out of his materials.Meanwhile, Seong-gil is tipped off by a mysterious woman and heads to Kokura, where she currently lives, right away.Her name is Yoon Seul.He completely falls for her and loses control between business and pleasure until… He starts to get confused about the weird things she does and talks about. Just then, Seong-gil gets a call from Korea saying it’s not Yoon Seul he should be meeting, as she died 2 years ago… Who is the femme fatale who rewrites this entire mystery? Will Seong-gil be able to complete his project on time? "Blood Sakura", a bloody mystery thriller set against the backdrop of a cozy Japanese city!

韓國上映日期: 2019年12月26日

頁: [1]
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