美森黑五- 美版 Panasonic UB-820 到貨直插
本帖最後由 binge 於 2019-12-10 23:16 編輯直插220v 插蘇... 本帖最後由 binge 於 2019-12-17 12:19 編輯
補返張底板照片, 250V universal voltage, 當然自己拆出嚟睇吓就萬無一失
恭喜師兄.... 呢部機個 4K HDR mapping 做得幾細緻...我自己都有部英版... 畫質可塑性的確高{:6_134:} Hugo Fok 發表於 2019-12-10 23:50
呢部機個 4K HDR mapping 做得幾細緻...我自己都有部英版... 畫質可塑性的確高 ...
畫面好靚, tone mapping 真係好勁, 但係唔知點解Netflix 出唔到Atmos {:6_126:} 我都有同樣問題,netflix 無 atmos , 奇怪{:6_136:} binge 發表於 2019-12-10 23:52
畫面好靚, tone mapping 真係好勁, 但係唔知點解Netflix 出唔到Atmos
我部9000都係netflix出唔到Atoms chhanthony 發表於 2019-12-11 00:19
D人話factory reset 部機, 試過都係唔得... 本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2019-12-11 12:38 編輯
唔知有無記錯,記得喺外國Forum話某日期前出產啲機係唔support Netflix Atmos。
So prior to purchasing the UB9000 I enquired in the dedicated 820 and 9000 threads if Netflix app was supporting Dolby Atmos. I recall a poster in each confirmed it did. Not taking this as 100% gospel, I demoed in local RicherSounds, and with the UB9000 connected to a Yamaha RX-A3080 receiver, connected to a Samsung non-DV TV, I observed the HDR/Atmos support logo on supported programming in the Netflix App, albeit did not go as far as proving the Atmos playback via the receiver.
At home connected to my Yamaha RX-A3050 Receiver, connected to a non-DV Panasonic OLED and a non-DV JVC PJ I only get HDR 5.1 support logo on the relevant Netflix programming, and straight DD+ only playback.
I returned to the store and re-demoed on their setup. This time I 100% confirmed the Dolby Atmos support, and saw the confirmed Dolby Atmos playback via the Yamaha sound information menu overlay, and A/B compared to a non-Dolby Atmos programme, where the sound information reverted to DD+.
I do not have any Atmos support with the UB9000 at home, and have otherwise confirmed that my Xbox1X and since purchased AppleTV (both with official declared ATMOS support) stream Atmos fine in the exact same AV chain in my home.
Hopefully other owners of the UB820 and UB9000 can confirm whether they obtain Atmos via Netflix and confirm their directly connected equipment chain.
chhanthony 發表於 2019-12-11 12:25
唔知有無記錯,記得喺外國Forum話某日期前出產啲機係唔support Netflix Atmos。
https://www.avforums.com/ ...
唔怪得知, 不過啲聲都好似好過我部LG Oled 入邊個Netflix