chiga 發表於 2019-11-29 20:46

Sxaumema 發表於 2019-12-1 03:37

本帖最後由 Sxaumema 於 2019-12-1 03:38 編輯

Good VPN providers regularly change the IP addresses of their servers so that Netflix cannot identify them. Set up a dedicated IP address: Several VPN providers also offer dedicated IP addresses for users. Although they cost a little more, dedicated IP addresses are rarely, if ever, detected by Netflix because they are used only by those who own them - you are!

Sobin 發表於 2019-12-1 18:27

VPN is a modern solution that will help solve many different problems. You can become free on the Internet. Using VPN, you get access to those resources that may be closed in your area. Only use carefully.

Sxaumema 發表於 2019-12-1 19:18

本帖最後由 Sxaumema 於 2019-12-1 19:29 編輯

VPN services in an attempt to compete try to offer users low prices and unique features. It is about such an inexpensive service that I want to tell today. SurfsharkVPN   is a relative newcomer to the virtual private network (VPN) scene. About a year later, they managed to create a large network of more than 800 servers in different countries 50. Developers store only a minimum of data for making payments: the email address is the password in the protected video and other payment information. Purely technical information is also collected: anonymous data on the quality of the connection; frequency of use of the service; crash reports; failed connections. This information is not associated with the account. Traffic is encrypted for normal Internet activity and no one can say that you are using a VPN. Surfshark's office is located in the British Virgin Islands. In this jurisdiction they do not owe anything to anyone.

Osaka 發表於 2019-12-2 04:24

Some companies realize that VPNs give carte blanche to their users. To counter this, they begin to block access to known VPN IP addresses. Nonetheless, VPN services are not so easily overpowered - they simply use the new IP addresses.

kareba 發表於 2019-12-2 22:06

During the tests, I found that a speed of 5 Mbps is usually enough to watch streaming broadcasts in HD quality without buffering. You can read reviews to find out the average speeds of different TopVPN, or just test a VPN with (confirmed) highest speeds to see if it suits you. How do I know which streaming sites a VPN can provide access to?
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: VPN-three letters that scare many

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