Jamie718 發表於 2019-11-21 20:24

《魔雪奇緣2》 原創影評(英文版)

本帖最後由 alleelarry 於 2019-11-22 23:23 編輯

After the success of the first film, Frozen 2 deliverersamazing and catchy songs and amazing voice talents once again!
Oh my goodness,Frozen 2 is one of the best animated films ever This is not only the best sequels I’ve ever seen;but one of the best movies I’ve ever seen! And in my opinion it’s better than the first one(way more better than the first one)! The songs are way more catchier and more ‘brain-washingier’! It’s also way more darker(but in a good way) the first! This film definitely deserves an Oscar for Best Animated Feature!
And believe me,this movie is good and every ways,can’t wait to watch it again!
I highly recommend this movie to everyone,it’s a must see! And yes,it’s the perfect sequel I always ever wanted! Definitely a 10/10 in my book! (This film is better than Avengers Endgame and Joker in my opinion!)

gashapon 發表於 2019-11-22 13:51

I enjoy watching it too. I think the story is more solid and structured than the first one but somehow I think there are too many songs in it. It's like they keep singing every 5 mins which I think a bit too much. (I want a movie not opera)
I watched with my son and he is very happy and that is the most important thing.

小瑟 發表於 2019-11-23 08:46

我看了粵語版 , 但我的感覺是沒有第一集那麼清晰有條理。感覺像過了一半但是都不太清晰有 電影的主線在哪兒, 所以我有一點懷疑是因為粵語版的歌曲歌詞比較生硬。如果可以有機會再看多英語版一次應該會更好。{:1_259:}

tinlunlau 發表於 2019-11-23 18:16

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查看完整版本: 《魔雪奇緣2》 原創影評(英文版)

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