Blu Ray and 4K UHD for sale
本帖最後由 fattim 於 2019-11-23 16:56 編輯Daniel Craig 4 discs collection $120 (sold)
Harry porter 1-6 7 disc collection $160 (Blu Ray)
Jumanji 4K Blu Ray &3D ,blade runner 4K UHD.blu ray and 3D .. $300 (sold) ....mission impossible fallout 4K and Blu Ray $110
Aqua man ..a star is born全新拆售 Blu Ray only $50隻 $90 兩隻
多要優先..謝謝觀看🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 (Aqua man ..a star is born & rampage 全新拆售 Blu Ray only (全部都有 Dolby Vision ))Ching 你有冇寫錯?BD冇DOBLY VISION,你係咪想寫atoms? 支持正版 發表於 2019-11-17 11:13
(Aqua man ..a star is born & rampage 全新拆售 Blu Ray only (全部都有 Dolby Vision ))Ching 你有冇寫 ...
Sorry ..見個盒咁寫,已改..thanks fattim 發表於 2019-11-17 12:27
Sorry ..見個盒咁寫,已改..thanks
Rampage and Daniel Craig sold fattim 發表於 2019-11-18 12:24
Rampage and Daniel Craig sold
Blade runner and jumani hold till Thursday fattim 發表於 2019-11-19 19:01
Blade runner and jumani hold till Thursday
Blade runner and jumani sold
push{:6_142:} all sold except Harry porter 1-6 7 disc collection $160 (Blu Ray) fattim 發表於 2019-11-23 16:56
all sold except Harry porter 1-6 7 disc collection $160 (Blu Ray)
Hi Ching, I want Harry Porter.Please check PM, thanks!!