ay123 發表於 2010-2-21 00:11

My own experience.I went to Ridar's showrrom in timesquare during lunch time (wearing suit), asked about the PS Prower plant, the sales answer me whatever i asked and also lower the price from list price.2nd time visit the same showroom wearing jeans, asked some questions to the same sales, i asked 1 question, he answered 1/2 and even walked away when I am looking at the machine closly.I asked the price, he said 15K, I asked cash can be cheaper?He answered card or cash also 15K.Actually i was prepared to buy at that day because i was off and that's why wearing casual wear.however, he did not gave me the price he offered last time, I went to MK to buy the machine.Very stupid salespeople!They need to know hat sometime customers has to "bo" or "boil" and not all of them will buy their stuff in the 1st go.Idoit indeed.

KEVIN9178 發表於 2010-2-21 00:13

呢d pk sales, 叫佢慢慢等...........等成間公司執笠你去排隊羅"縱媛" la

hw1723 發表於 2010-2-21 00:15


pineapple2007 發表於 2010-2-21 00:21

都唔明賣hifi咁多呢d sales敗類.....上次我買十仔時上左tm chi 5/f 相買威記1000ultra多口問下佢1000ultra vs dd10有咩唔同姐佢即刻好唔客氣咁講"個樣都唔同啦" DKLM緊係即走以後一定唔會係佢處買野...之後去左二奶道買左太陽火10號反而二奶DSERVISE又OK喎起碼買得開心用得開心先ar個價仲平d tim.
但如果買luxman去名望啦果位thomas service真係唔錯{:6_193:}

so0072002 發表於 2010-2-21 00:30

where is 2奶?

TST 凶澤貴友成果d幾多%度?

UncleAlex 發表於 2010-2-21 00:34

本帖最後由 UncleAlex 於 2010-2-21 10:10 編輯

So Many Salesman Attitude are Real Bad ,Even You Treat Them in Polite Manner and I Can Feel The Problem is Deteriorating.

{:6_199:} {:6_199:} {:6_199:}

jackiewong518 發表於 2010-2-21 00:36

cchhll01 發表於 2010-2-20 23:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

個 sales 哥哥不知幾好招呼.....有時差得唔多我會去大行......

PP-HK 發表於 2010-2-21 00:49

而家資訊咁發達, d sales心態仲停留係80年代, 等住俾人淘汰。{:6_144:}{:6_145:}

kangso 發表於 2010-2-21 00:56


cmsjkung 發表於 2010-2-21 00:58

本帖最後由 cmsjkung 於 2010-2-21 01:08 編輯

我覺得 2奶, Michael Audio, 凶宅, 百老回, 元朗現代 D sales 哥哥 好好招呼.........09年到現在都這些店買左十幾皮野......如果好一定有下次 {:6_146:}
頁: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7
查看完整版本: 唔買唔好試..........

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