Jamie718 發表於 2019-9-14 18:34



Special Features and Technical Specs:
New Original Short, Peter's To – Do - List: Peter has a few errands to run before he can leave on his class trip.
Teachers' Travel Tips: Mr. Harrington & Mr. Dell present a few tips on how to traverse the European continent.
Stepping Up: Explore how Spider-Man was introduced in the MCU, the ways Tom Holland transformed the character of Peter Parker, and what the future holds for Spider-Man.
Suit Up: The suit doesn't make the hero - but it does play a big role in who they are and who they can become. This piece examines all of Peter's different suits in the movie, and with behind the scenes footage, we see why some suits are better than others.
Far, FAR, Far from Home: The film's illustrious locations serve story points and establish tone, but they're also amazing to travel to! Hear from the cast on their experiences filming on-location.
It Takes Two: A special look at the chemistry between Jon Watts and Tom Holland.
Fury & Hill: MCU stalwarts Cobie Smulders and Samuel L. Jackson are back as Agent Maria Hill & Nick Fury!
The Ginter-Riva Effect: A look at the villain sub-plot and how William Ginter-Riva ties Spider-Man: Far From Home all the way back to the beginning of the MCU.
Thank You, Mrs. Parker: A look at Marisa Tomei's reimagining of Aunt May, from Homecoming to Far From Home.
The Brother's Trust: A quick look into some of the amazing work Tom Holland and his brothers have done through their charity, The Brothers Trust.
The Jump Off: Interviews with the cast & crew take us through all of the amazing stunts of Far From Home.
Now You See Me: We examine the evolution of Mysterio and why Jake Gyllenhaal was the perfect fit for the role.
Stealthy Easter Eggs: Allow E.D.I.T.H. to reveal some of the hidden Easter Eggs you may have missed!
Select Scene Pre – Vis: A side by side comparison of the Pre-Vis with the film
Gag Reel & Outakes
Never-Before-Seen Alternate & Extended Scenes

DISCFAN 發表於 2019-9-14 19:18


icq00000 發表於 2019-9-14 19:33

好心佢就出set 4K+3D+BD Combo啦

老五 發表於 2019-9-14 21:41


ricky31425 發表於 2019-9-14 23:17

如果鐵盒係出2D版封面就好 2D封面最靚

Will 發表於 2019-9-15 00:05


better2014hk 發表於 2019-9-15 11:02

Sony 會額外推出一個 IMAX Enhanced版本

allen89 發表於 2019-9-15 11:35

本帖最後由 allen89 於 2019-9-15 11:57 編輯

成段字,我理解"將會"加強網絡串流imax版項目其中包括imax spiderman 2串流,非講緊spiderman2 4K imax實碟有期。

上年出amp產品時叫人升級,imax承諾話出的sony 毒魔imax 4k 碟至今連影都冇。實況只是市場新硬體制式宣傳技倆,我自己認為見到imax毒魔和奮怒鳥2出到實碟先算。一年過去只有三碟,全部是舊片返出imax記錄片。電影欠奉。今次imax毒魔竟然連報導也唔見,今次"宣傳文稿"到底可信有幾多?我比較實際,毒魔4k早已購入。唔知仲有冇師兄信佢一直等待 imax毒魔imax 4k碟中?

剛剛出的復仇者4影音產品,導演曾向imax公司努力爭取出imax 家用版(影碟),但正正是imax 公司拒絕了導演的要求,估計是因為imax電影版本在上映時,向入場觀眾許下"商業承諾"only inimax 影院一句也有關係,是imax 公司政策。

New Blockbuster Movies: “Bumblebee” will be Paramount Pictures’ first addition to the expanding collection of IMAX Enhanced titles for streaming platforms, followed by “Crawl,” “Pet Sematary” (2019), and “Rocketman,” all of which will include IMAX signature sound. Additionally, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment’s“Spider-Man: Far From Home” (which includes 45 minutes of IMAX’s exclusive expanded aspect ratio), “The Angry Birds Movie 2,” and “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” join the list of top titles for IMAX Enhanced. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment also will release a series of new titles on IMAX Enhanced physical 4K Ultra HD disc, beginning with “The Angry Birds Movie 2.” This is in addition to IMAX Entertainment’s release of “Space Station” on IMAX Enhanced UHD Blu-ray in July 2019, which is available for purchase through Amazon and other major retailers. Through its expanding and committed studio relationships, IMAX Enhanced plans to add an ever-increasing number of blockbuster titles to deliver uniquely differentiated content in 2019 and beyond.


michael.t 發表於 2019-9-15 14:04

allen89 發表於 2019-9-15 11:35
成段字,我理解"將會"加強網絡串流imax版項目其中包括imax spiderman 2串流,非講緊spiderman2 4K imax實碟 ...

另外仲有個原因局限咗infinity war 同endgame出碟嘅可能性就係迪迪尼唔係IMAX partnered studio. 而家得sony同埋paramount係. 但係睇返imax enhanced demo disc入面啲戲應該得only the brave 係有1.90:1 IMAX版
其他戲就算出都主要係得imax dts x聲軌而畫面比例不變
所以我自己就唔太睇好imax enhanced.

allen89 發表於 2019-9-15 15:21

本帖最後由 allen89 於 2019-9-26 23:26 編輯

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查看完整版本: 蜘蛛俠決戰千里港版10月3日上市

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