GuyMocha 發表於 2010-2-20 00:28

本帖最後由 GuyMocha 於 2010-2-20 00:32 編輯

Thanks to Mr. Lam, I followed his referral and have purchased the UD8004 for HKD13900.

Here's a brief impression after listening 2 hrs without much run in. And the settings also have not been fine tuned.

It's more 3D compare to the Philips 7300 which I have been using. Though the color seems a bit greenish, and images are sharper but not very natural. The upscaled DVD picture varies, overall much better than Philips 7300 but still not as smooth as my old Philips 963SA DVD player (mod), despite being brighter, sharper and more "powerful".

Elegant but bright sounding, the pure direct makes a noticeable difference. Separation and definition have improved, human voice and sound stage are both appropriate. The "sound effects" are good but the overall sound is also somewhat fatiguing and digital.

Of course, it's still too early to tell, just an initial impression to share with forum members. Will run in further and fine tune the set up.

My set up:
Sony KDL 52V5500 TV
B&W N805
Pioneer AX10 Receiver, bi-amp
Atals Equator MKII RCA
Russ Andrew Classic powercord
Kimber 8TC speaker cable
Honeywell CUREX HDMI

lam2989 發表於 2010-2-20 22:22

本帖最後由 lam2989 於 2010-2-23 14:59 編輯

That's great! Wish you enjoy with your new UD8004 {:6_237:}

babuwa 發表於 2010-2-21 02:38

Thanks to Mr. Lam, I followed his referral and have purchased the UD8004 for HKD13900.

Here's a brief impression after listening 2 hrs without much run in. And the settings also have not been fine tu ...
GuyMocha 發表於 2010-2-20 00:28

I'm suggest you change your HDMI cable, seem's the problem is come from your HDMI cable rather than your machine for bright sound.
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