Cplay 一問
小弟用PC--->USB--->MD10 DAC--->AMP用footbar就正常無問題....
用Cplay + asio4all 發現DAC show 48hz...無聲出...唔知點解...{:1_332:} ?? what is the format of the file that you tried to play? 我都係用foobar,已經好難用,cplay直頭攪唔掂,最易用係mediamonkey,不過好明顯唔好聲好易失真!!{:6_131:} I try to play wav,flac & ape file~ 小弟用PC--->USB--->MD10 DAC--->AMP
用Cplay + asio4all 發現DAC show 48hz...無聲出...唔知點解...{:1_332:} ??
forumboy 發表於 2010-2-11 20:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我用footbar2000 -- USB-- AMP 就沒聲音出,可告知我如何setting ??
我用footbar2000 -- USB-- AMP 就沒聲音出,可告知我如何setting ??
sunnyyuen 發表於 2010-2-11 23:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
如果認到,你部dac show 咩野係display??
你用咩dac?? 44.1 96 192