Final OPtion 飛虎雄心
多謝 Ching 出手可得手 . . . 謝 ^^本DVD無靚靚 劃質及音效 . . . 但相信係最成飛虎系列的1套 . . . {:6_193:}
其代 日後 Blu-ray . . . 出現.
係咪黃敏德最後會死o個套黎架? 唉...見到呢隻碟又令我諗番起灣仔長毛, 無左佢真係無左好多好碟睇/買! brother where can i found this DVD?thankyou 好正!希望再出! 我都有vcd, 不過套DVD嘅AUDIO都係MONO 1.0就.......... brother where can i found this DVD?thankyou
T-tan 發表於 2010-2-11 11:40
其實隻碟本身都唔多, 係外國買書送, 某高人番左貨之後,香港d人先知有呢隻碟,
得閒留意下d二手店啦,時不時都見有人放, 但唔平囉 都想買番隻,行過2手碟舖唔覺有
有無邊度有機會搵到呢?? I also have one 我隻 VCD 花晒了.
不過可能睇得太多次, 次次教人用地圖, 都會講
"The shortest distance between point A and point B... is a straight line!"