zz9999 發表於 2010-2-10 11:35

Media Player: Xtreamer firmware ver 2.2 (Feb 10 , 2010)


Xtreamer 2.2 Release Notes(from 2.1.3)

New features
1. Blu-ray simple navigation.
a. Chapter navigation.(GOTO or Next button)
b. Audio navigation(AUDIO button)
c. Subtitle navigation(SUBTITLE button)

2. Ken Burns slideshow effect
a. During Photo playback.
b. Setup->Playback-Ken burns Slideshow Effect.

3. Hue & Saturation
a. Setup->A/V->Hue, Saturation.

4. Multi Audio output.(HDMI only)
a. Output AAC/FLAC/OGG/WAV 5.1 PCM
b. Setup->A/V->Digital output.

5. Wireless network
a. Static IP
b. WPS

6. DVD/Blu-ray folder auto play.
a. If folder is DVD/Blu-ray folder structure, Appear select window of “Browser folder and auto playback”

7. New RSS video (HD) sites added in Internet menu.

8. Change custom GUI image.
a. Web page->Setup->TV skin.
b. Support 16bits BMP(656 format)

9. Custom RSS(Personal) option in “Internet” menu to use user’s customized script from internal HDD.

10. “Return” button acts as stop button, during video playback

11. Wireless Network performance.

12. eTrayz mount option from UDP to TCP
a. Media Library -> eTray.

13. Internet sites support H.264(mp4) streaming.

14. Internet video playback.
a. Default playback resolution from 320x240 to full screen
b. Fast forward 1.0x->0.5x->0.8x->1.2x->1.5x->2.0x

15. Photo display quality.

16. Recognize ext3 file system in internet HDD.

17. USB HDD detection much faster.

18. Web GUI downloading works stable.

19. Xtreamer Restart from Web GUI
a. Setup->NAS Mode->Restart

20. added fast forward speed 1.1x during Video playback.

21. Change volume window position from bottom to top.

Bugs fixed
22. Official DVD can’t playback used by GL811 chip DVD device.

23. MKV+DTS out of sync.

24. External USB HDD detect error.
a. Samsung S1 mini (1.8inch external USB storage)

25. If TS file has internal subtitle, can’t display subtitle.

26. Subtitle visible when screen saver is on.

lyfedpmp 發表於 2010-2-10 11:57

CHing upgrade 咗未?

zz9999 發表於 2010-2-10 12:13

up 左, play BDMV 方便好多, 可以直接揀 folder o黎 play.

lyfedpmp 發表於 2010-2-10 13:27

今晚返屋企都 up up 先, Thanks for the info

leettc 發表於 2010-2-21 19:15

Updated, thanks!

hw1723 發表於 2010-2-21 23:57

啱啱up咗,以前認唔到同認唔哂D BDISO 演唱會同BDMV,依家全部都得,今次最正..
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查看完整版本: Media Player: Xtreamer firmware ver 2.2 (Feb 10 , 2010)

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