正正經經 (Radio Shack)
本帖最後由 245141525 於 2010-4-4 17:01 編輯finally I can measure all channel output appropriately.Any ching here has experience with Radio Shack SPL? 音壓計? 買夠兩隻?{:6_178:} easy to use{:6_213:} one for my fd ...
I used to use iPhone's SPL app to measure each channel's output (on needed basis). It is much better to have a SPL, and tonite I found out each channel is under by 2-3db, SR and SRB is even under by almost 4db {:6_129:} How much ?
How to use ? 我都想買, 但係官網上面....好似冇得揀香港.....又唔見有師兄出讓.....{:6_203:} 我都想買, 但係官網上面....好似冇得揀香港.....又唔見有師兄出讓.....{:6_203:}
coolpan 發表於 2010-2-9 02:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif