發表於 2010-4-28 13:51
SORRY呀 LAIHO兄, 我真係好忙冇時間再出呢個機既REPORT勒~~~~
不過我真係冇後悔買呢部機囉, 連 ...
小瑟 發表於 27-4-2010 23:21
原來小瑟兄都入咗呢部...我都打算入手呢部 ~~ 之前聽到太多易壞嘅消息 ~~ 家吓信心大增喇 ~~ 哈哈
發表於 2010-4-28 15:37
我以前都中過菲記招, 不過呢部機好彩又好正常, 唔會有D古靈精怪問題, 9系係唔同D既!!!!!
發表於 2010-4-28 15:44
我以前都中過菲記招, 不過呢部機好彩又好正常, 唔會有D古靈精怪問題, 9系係唔同D既!!!!! ...
小瑟 發表於 28-4-2010 15:37
希望啦 ~~ 我見佢係歐洲做 ~~ 有 d 信心嘅 ~~ 話時話...我部 dvd 機都係飛利佬...幾年都仲好健在 (touch wood)...
發表於 2010-4-28 15:47
I have been using Philips TV and dvd players. Now change to some other brand names, just want to try some other brand names,nothing to do with its quality or services.
發表於 2010-4-30 22:33
各位ching, 今日小弟終於安裝左早前買下的philips 9664 42" LCD TV
但唔知點解開單色畫面CHECK 死點時, 覺得部電視兩邊0的顏色好似冇咁光咁 (e.g. 白畫面唔係全白, 兩邊好似灰灰地咁)
我想問咁樣係唔係正常嫁? 我洗唔洗換機?
thanks 各ching 指引
發表於 2010-5-10 16:20
但以我記得, 好似係 movie mode先冇開 Perfect Natural Motion架喎!!!
不過學你講都岩, 專心欣賞純白畫面啦 ...
小瑟 發表於 2010-2-10 16:56
Hi 小瑟兄,
I've tried the exact setting you proposed but found that the color is a bit "green"...may I know if it's because I'm using the original power cord instead of those professional one you're using? By the way, you've mentioned that you have do some calibration before. Could you please let me know how it's done?
Sorry that if I'm asking some stupid question as I'm really a beginner.
Thanks a lot!