DD-12 or JL112
What's the differences 0f them now?What will you choose?Pls give your comments.Thanks! 我投JL ~~因為我都好想要{:6_193:} Support 一步到位, JL Audio I want to know why most of C-hing are vote for JL? By the way,DD-12 is a hi-end subwoofer too....Can any one give me some user comments thx! 當然是 JL F112啦!自從用了F113才知道什麼是低音喇叭! 5# sunnyyuen隨時出旺角都可以試到,呢樣JL AUDIO 都嬴velodyne 啦, 先前我都係考慮DD-10 週圍都唔見有,去威達問,好似要約時間試,micheal audio, hi-fi房見有, 佢又話唔試, 谷鬼氣走去試JL, 一試就奶嘢嘞!! Does F112 has on-screen EQ? 本帖最後由 joetangvisa 於 2010-2-4 22:27 編輯
Does F112 has on-screen EQ?
insider 發表於 2010-2-4 22:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
乜Q就唔知,好Q正就知(Support JL){:6_193:} 本帖最後由 insider 於 2010-2-4 22:30 編輯
What's your definition of the term"低音"? DD10都要去到18xxx, 聽完F110你就似咩係天外有天...