喇叭網邊有d發霉, 點算好
喇叭網邊有d發霉, 點算好, 點樣清潔好? 之前好似有師兄話唔好羅去洗, 咁應該點清潔好呢? Me too, cos my house is quite humid... I also wanna know how to deal with this 無理由無人回嫁wo, 唔通個個都唔用網?.... If I were u, I will try to use 1:99 漂白水 and a wet towel to clean it.Another way is put the whole cable inside a cabin with dehumidifier, like the one that people store their cameras. 漂白水!?...好似有點危險... 我覺得用清水好d, 漂白水有d危 我覺得用清水好d, 漂白水有d危
kan 發表於 2010-2-4 15:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
清水會唔會加快發霉速度?..... 火機兄, 最後點解決? 呢排我都有呢個問題? 網我會用消毒濕紙巾抺 網我會用消毒濕紙巾抺
YOKISO 發表於 2010-2-26 23:37 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif