昨天見到有nanotech 305
昨天見到舖頭做緊條線, 好粗! 原來係305. 唔知有無師兄試過呢? 係邊到見呀師兄?{:6_141:} $250 per feet,i bought it at yesterday {:6_237:} 呢條 cable 係咩 spec,有冇資料 / link 呀 {:6_138:} 我無睇開這條線, 問過230一尺, 唔通唔同舖? iceberg師兄有什麼報告呀 可否影將305線芯相睇吓?{:1_245:} {:1_249:}
$250 per feet,i bought it at yesterday {:6_237:}
T-tan 發表於 2010-2-2 22:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif 我無睇開這條線, 問過230一尺, 唔通唔同舖? iceberg師兄有什麼報告呀
lemiball 發表於 2010-2-3 01:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Just want to compare the spec of #301, #302, #305 ..... {:1_332:}
Is it also shown in Nanotech website ???
Any link??? 會比302好幾多呢?