發表於 2010-2-2 12:04
劉兄, 想問問由你訂到收貨要幾耐時間? 如果快既話, 响呢度訂2012鐵盒好過去買貴貨LU~
發表於 2010-2-2 15:00
劉兄, 想問問由你訂到收貨要幾耐時間? 如果快既話, 响呢度訂2012鐵盒好過去買貴貨LU~
Hon 發表於 2010-2-2 12:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
送貨佢地就好快,《Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT》為例,上個月廿九號上架兼寄DHL到我公司,第二日三十號上晏十點半已到我公司!!!
至於訂《2012末日預言》台版鐵盒BD,若果唔理封面如何,台版齋買連運費應要超過三舊水,計港版零售價 (唔計炒價) 應該二百九左近,比台版平少少!!!
發表於 2010-2-2 15:35
送貨佢地就好快,《Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT》為例,上個月廿九號上架兼寄DHL到我公司,第二日三十號上晏十點半已到我公司!!!
至於訂《2012末日預言》台版鐵盒BD,若果唔理封面如何,台版齋買連運費應要 ...
劉一舟 發表於 2010-2-2 15:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁都好快wor, 諗得過
雖然貴小小, 但港版有時要撲同手快有手慢無, 加上返工無可能做到, 所以唯有考慮訂台版..
發表於 2010-2-4 17:23
Just found that, TW version has Dolby trueHD but HK version has DTS-HD.
發表於 2010-2-5 02:08
Just found that, TW version has Dolby trueHD but HK version has DTS-HD.
fivemasters 發表於 2010-2-4 17:23 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ching消息從何得悉?我隻台版BD都係只得DTS-HD MA5.1音效,連設定都冇得你揀,又何來多條Dolby True-HD又或者只得一條Dolby True-HD音效????
發表於 2010-2-5 08:20
比晒 $ 冇晒聲氣, 個 server 又成日 Down 機, 下次唔同佢訂, 反正唔係好平 ~~ {:1_250:}
發表於 2010-2-5 14:08
本帖最後由 fivemasters 於 2010-2-5 14:11 編輯
26# 劉一舟
Sorry ching, my mistakes. I saw the Dolby TrueHD logo in the paper box (TW Version) and thought it will only has TrueHD, in fact, u are right, should be DTS-HD.
發表於 2010-2-5 14:59
26# 劉一舟
Sorry ching, my mistakes. I saw the Dolby TrueHD logo in the paper box (TW Version) and thought it will only has TrueHD, in fact, u are right, should be DTS-HD.
fivemasters 發表於 2010-2-5 14:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
原來如此,又難怪ching你誤會嘅,你睇閣下圈的左手邊嗰個圈,一樣照寫DTS-HD Master,鐵盒背張紙都係寫English DTS-HD!!!
發表於 2010-2-5 15:28
29# 劉一舟
You are right, so the Dolby True-HD is misleading, I cannot find such audio option in the whole disc even in the bonus features.
發表於 2010-2-12 12:34