avbadboy 發表於 2010-2-1 20:00



後牆一邊裝有分體冷氣,因此一直唔敢自己drill holes on the wall.

Waited for two weeks until the workman came.They said there were pipes under the wall connecting the air-conditioner to the compressor outside, and so they carefully measured the position and drilled the holes.Everything was fine although the rear speakers had to be hung at a higher position than I wanted in order to ensure that the position was safe.Six holes were drilled, the speakers were hung up and I began to enjoy the 5.1 sound effects of the MK speakers.

The happiness lasted for two weeks.

A few days ago the weather was getting wet and warm. I tried to switch on the air-con but it had no response at all.I called the see fu immediately.He came and checked and confirmed no electricity at all.He dismantled the speakers and checked each of the six holes that he drilled but could not find any electricity wire inside any of the holes.He concluded that he had not drilled against any electricity wire.

Just want to remind c-hings to be careful when drilling holes. And I don't know what I should do now.....I

avbadboy 發表於 2010-2-1 20:16


ewartuen 發表於 2010-2-1 20:23

1# avbadboy

Deeply sorry to hear that, 我最近自己鑽窿掛後置, 都去管理處取左份單位圖積連埋電掣走位, 之後都無試過部分體式有無影響, 今晚返去試下先!

avbadboy 發表於 2010-2-1 20:30

2# kleehkg

They did not use any tools to test. The c-fu now said if he drilled against electric wire, the main control would jump and stopped. Since no such thing happened and he did not find any wire inside the holes, he left and asked me to ask air-conditioner man to check.

chanwt 發表於 2010-2-1 21:12

Hi, sorry to hear about what happened.
But....if the technician (or not technician) did not use any detector to check for the embedded pipe or wires, then why did you called them in the place, it seems they just made a reasonable guess on the wire routing and drilled....We can make guess, but the point to hire them I think was to make sure nothing went wrong...

Raymond仔 發表於 2010-2-1 21:29

如果鑽果陣冷氣冇開, 係唔會跳制.....

vchai 發表於 2010-2-1 22:16

{:6_200:}you should use this http://store.pchome.com.tw/toolsking/M01473880.htm

chanwt 發表於 2010-2-1 22:18

It should trip even the AC has not switched on.

lemonstar 發表於 2010-2-1 22:20

i think you should ask an air-conditioner worker to check if the A/C is actually out of order first.

and before that, did you see any socket light from the A/C socket? 有個燈曲, if there's no light, then, perhaps something went wrong with the elec. instead of the A/C unit.

bugigi 發表於 2010-2-1 22:24

ching 以小弟有限既機電知識....
如果cfu 鑽穿條conceal 喉, 鑽斷條cable, 咁好彩帶電既live 無事而鑽爛左唔帶電既netual

ching 你部分體用左幾多年?...前兩年有無入雪種?...

有可能係成個冬天漏雪種唔夠磅開唔到機...快d 叫個冷氣cfu 黎check
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