想問下旺角邊處買釘墊平呢, 要cheap野既! C/P product is highly recommand! tim chi 18/f 2# calvin1800乜價位呢? around 80- 300 仲想問下座地喇叭既釘腳個螺絲窿直徑係咪standard??? 因為我對座地係2手收返黎, d原裝釘我覺得"掘掘"地~ 諗住換過佢~ No, there are different size for the spike thread...
better check it first before purchase. No, there are different size for the spike thread...
better check it first before purchase.
chanwt 發表於 2010-1-31 18:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thanks我諗我都係摟一粒出黎拎埋出去買~ Yeah! that will be more safe to your wallet...LOL