Best AMP match with CM7
現有B&W CM7, Marantz SA15s2 而家用緊陳年 Yamaha AV amp推, 想買部int. amp, 請大家比D意見 {:6_162:}Accuphase E-350 --> 音色唔需要懷疑, 但會唔會薄聲?
Luxman L-505u --> 音色溫暖, 但夾唔夾CM7?
Marantz PM15s2 --> 價錢最平, 推CM7 會唔會唔夠力? lux 505u肯定唔係音色溫暖. lux 505u肯定唔係音色溫暖.
faihim 發表於 2010-1-30 20:03
agree! c-hing, why not go and try? 今日去0左MK, 試0左marantz + cm7, 效果ok
搵唔到luxman + cm7 同 accuphase + cm7 呢3部而家大概幾錢? 今日去0左MK, 試0左marantz + cm7, 效果ok
搵唔到luxman + cm7 同 accuphase + cm7
arho 發表於 2010-1-30 22:10
Have you tried the "樓上 Hi-Fi 店" in MK near "兆萬"? They have Luxman, but I afraid they don't have CM7 只能夠咁樣..luxman + atc or spendor
accuphase + tannoy yes, they don't have CM7{:1_255:}
Have you tried the "樓上 Hi-Fi 店" in MK near "兆萬"? They have Luxman, but I afraid they don't have CM7
kenneth_obee 發表於 2010-2-1 14:07 好鍾意金仔個look
7# faihim 我都係用 CM7,想用 Naim 推, 但無地方可以夾埋兩樣一齊試