再送比老細的禮物 - 方大同
上次隻宇多田光差少少成功(當中置的入場券), 今次再送方大同(當其時呀女出世, 老細唔去得睇), 老細話我細心喎{:6_157:} , 終於批准中置入屋啦!{:6_174:}佢重話幫我出一半添{:6_178:}, 小弟心諗咁好死?{:6_141:}最後老細話當係呀女&佢自已送比小弟下個月的生日禮物喎{:6_131:} 算啦! 好過冇啦!嘻! 下星期買中置!!!!{:6_138:} 開心死啦!! 廿四考老公 {:6_235:} Which center u getting, man? Which center u getting, man?
djaddy 發表於 2010-1-31 00:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Quad L2 Center{:6_178:} Good deal. Hope will have Blu-Ray
O.T. we are same taste (Quad, Utada, Khalil...) Hope will have Blu-Ray
O.T. we are same taste (Quad, Utada, Khalil...)
stevenwong99 發表於 2010-1-31 19:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif