You Get Requests
有冇ching比較過SMHCD, K2HD, CD (jpn version), original CD...邊果版最好聲? Ching 嚟隻愛碟之 1 我得美版 . . . 細緻. K2HD obviously. K2HD obviously.lumdicks 發表於 2010-1-28 22:40
I only got the Jap version, so couldn't make any ungrounded assumption or judgement without actual comparison. But here is the information you may take it as a reference, hope it helps.
By the way, just a kind reminder, it's called "We Get Requests" instead of "You Get Requests". FIM嘅K2HD,唔會差過其他版本. 如果唔係訂咗4隻Blue Note XRCD, 我應該已經買咗呢隻碟