PS3 Gaming 出 PCM 好?定 DD 5.1好?
hdmi 駁 pioneer vsx 919 ahk用direct,面板就顯示 PCM
請問係咪正常? 用 Bitstream, it will display DTS..enclosed photo
I find some information from Internet :
=> If you select Bitstream on PS3 for DTS-HD, DD tureHD source, etc. Thatwill be downgraded to DTS and DD and displayed on the Amp.
=> If you select LPCMon PS3 for DTS-HD, DD tureHD, etc. That will be Multi Channel etc. displayed on the Amp.
1) PS3 can us optical cable to output LPCM, but itwill limited to 2ch LPCM though (I may be wrong, please check with PS3menu). LPCM mean that all audio is decode by PS3 itself, and decodedthe audio before sending to AMP. bitstream mean pass the data to AMP todecode, PS3 is doing nothing on audio. It really depends on whichsituation to choose between LPCM and bitstream. If you have hdmi inputin AMP, I strongly recommend that you change to hdmi instead of opticalcable.
2) HDMI is the way to go if you have HDMI on your AV amp since it allows higher bandwidth and carries both audio and video.
In terms of Bitstream and LPCM setting, it really depends on thematerial, eg, if you play BD with Dolby HD, using Bitstream PS3 willdecode onboard but you will only get DD5.1 at your AV amp end since PS3can’t bitstream Dolby HD. If using LPCM, PS3 will do the processing andsend PCM signal to your amp for amplification. On the other hand if youplay DVD, use Bitstream since PS3 will send/bitstream the signal toyour AV amp for processing, assuming the AV amp has better processingpower.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
3) 可唔可以話我知如果我同ONKYO SR600 駁PS3 咁SETbitstream 定 Lpcm 好呀~
4) 如用光纖,最多只能出到 PCM 2CH、DTS / DD 都得。
所以用 PS3 的話,SET 做光纖出,揀 BITSTREAM 已可享最佳音效。
a) 可否解釋一下咩野係LPCM,咩野係BITSTREAM
數碼聲音的編碼方式乃 LPCM,數碼介面輸出,包括光纖、同軸、BNC、ILINK等等,最標準乃輸出 LPCM,BITSTREAM 是把 LCPM 壓縮及編碼後傳送的格式,例如 DTS 及 DD 便是。
b) 2.SR4001和PS3分別如何設定/支援這兩個制式.
兩部機都分別拆解 BITSTREAM 訊號,及 PCM 訊號。事實上,由你的 PS3 輸送 BITSTREAM 到 AV AMP 的話,AVAMP 要先拆 BITSTREAM 成 PCM 再解碼成模擬訊號,當然,這個「拆解 BITSTREAM」的工作也可以交由 PS3做。問題是,哪一個做這個工作做得更出色而已。一般情況,AV AMP 是做得比 PS3 好,所以我才會建議用家將 PS3 設為BITSTREAM。
c) 用PS3經SR4001及光纖/紅白線聽歌時應如何設定LPCM/ BITSTREAM.
如前文所述,PS3 及 SR4001 兩者都具有「拆解 BITSTREAM」及「拆解 PCM」的功能,由於 PS3 的「拆解PCM」太差了,應該沒有用會用紅白線駁 PS3 及 AV AMP 的。PS3 用什麼線接駁,便應在 PS3 設定上 SET 返便可。
由於光纖頻寬不夠,PCM 只能傳送 2CH,所以用光纖過,一定 SET 做 BITSTREAM 才能聽到真正 5.1 的 DD/DTS。如 SET 做 PCM,睇 DVD / BLU-RAY 的所有聲效 PS3 都會解為 PCM,那即是得返兩聲道咋!
e) 如藍光碟係 PCM,HDMI 過聲,你 SET 係 BITSTREAM 抑或 PCM,都係出 PCM,根本沒有分別的。
但係換左係 TRUE HD 的話,如果 SET BITSTREAM 會係變左 DOLBY DIGITAL,而 SET PCM 的話,TRUEHD 係解到,但係 PS3 會先自己解左碼成 PCM 才經 HDMI 輪出俾 AV AMP,故此在 PS3 上會見到係 TRUE HD,但係AV AMP 則會顯示 PCM
f) Your explanation of the difference is very detail.However, it is not the same as what my understanding of bitstream and lpcm.
I would have thought that by setting to bitstream, "stream of bits"would be output, in other words, the raw data of the signal would beoutput, be it DTS, Dolby or PCM. The signals will then be decoded bythe receiver of the signal, i.e. the AV amplifier. If the setting is"LPCM", I would have thought that the outout data would be re-encodedinto LPCM irrespective of the coding of the original signal.
g) OH,是的,原先的解釋在概念出現錯誤,BITSTREAM 解作「直接輸出」,經壓縮的訊號如 DTS/DD,也不會被拆解就輸出的意思,故此訊源為 PCM 的話,設為 BITSTREAM,也當然會輸出 PCM。
h) If the PS3 set bitstream output audio
when you play some DVD that have DTS ES or DD EX audio it can passthrough the audio to the AMP to decode and not by PS3 and you have 6.1audio output
But when you set the PS3 audio output is LPCM then you just can listen LPCM5.1 audio 如果ps 3 厚版..係咪點出都係multi channel in? 本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2010-1-25 19:44 編輯
如果ps 3 厚版..係咪點出都係multi channel in?
donji 發表於 2010-1-25 17:38
I use New PS3 Slim ( 120G)with DTS displayin AV Amplifer.In the PS3 info, it is 2 channel. i like LPCM more .. since some of the PS3 game can output 7.1 LPCM.. better surround