It's hard to say to the universal players which you will pick are not good for music.
As you know, the purpose of a AV player is used to produce the accurate sound stage and effect (NO MSG) in 5 channels or more.However, a pure CD/SACD player is totally different picture.The pure CD/SACD player uses 2 channels to produce sound stage and may add lots of MSG in it.
So, do you think that a universal player can do it both? 2# buyo
師兄, MSG stand for what? thx 507U出咗嗱? 正唔正? 其實近期都心思思想轉507U, 可惜轉玩507U要先買Dac!
另外, 你用咩CD機? 加部D-06玩一套西装, 行XLR一定無死錯人! 其實我都考慮緊買部oppo 83se好,定係一部約4k既bdp同cdp......
聽講部oppo 83se播cd都唔錯{:1_332:} 其實我都考慮緊買部oppo 83se好,定係一部約4k既bdp同cdp......
聽講部oppo 83se播cd都唔錯{:1_332:}
hogoh 發表於 2010-1-25 01:00
如果你無CD/Blu-ray player, 買部83SE都係唔錯嘅選擇!