samnet1 發表於 2010-1-25 19:46

but another problem is, i dont know why when i using PS3 media server to play.ts file, the performance is bad, very very lag,
and i tried to play the same file size files or even bigger than ...
sanger 發表於 2010-1-25 16:20

Here is my experience & may be the same as ts file:

1) 720p & 1080p

==> PS3 Media Server play 720p smoothly. However, 1080p mkv file will be " Lag"

==> I bought a New 10/ 100M router 2 weeks ago. 1080p mkv file also "Lag".

==> I don't want to buy " Giga Lan Router " and it is a bit expensive.

2) Chinese Subtitle

==> If you include Chinese subtitle, it will led to "Lag" also.

samnet1 發表於 2010-1-25 19:48

Here is my PS3 Media Setting for your reference.

When I connect to AV Amplifier, DTS signal can be dispalyed.

samnet1 發表於 2010-1-25 19:50

I use New PS3 Slim ( 120G)with DTS displayin AV Amplifer.In the PS3 info, it is 2 channel.
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