alleelarry 發表於 2019-4-25 13:43

《星夢情深》A Star is Born Special Encore Edition

本帖最後由 alleelarry 於 2019-4-25 13:45 編輯

totaling nearly 12 additional minutes


Studio description: This special edition of the film contains extended performances of such songs as opener "Black Eyes," "Alibi," and Lady Gaga's Ally in her impromptu a cappella performance of "Shallow," which received the Oscar for Best Original Song at the 91st Annual Academy Awards, following Cooper and Gaga's moving performance during the ceremony. Fans will also be treated to never-before-seen footage of Ally singing to Jack "Is That Alright?" in the wedding sequence, Jack in his studio singing "Too Far Gone," Jack and Ally writing a new song together, entitled "Clover," and much more, totaling nearly 12 additional minutes.

Hugo Fok 發表於 2019-4-25 15:24

好想知會唔會有 4K 同中文字幕版...{:6_157:}

alleelarry 發表於 2019-4-25 15:29

Hugo Fok 發表於 2019-4-25 15:24
好想知會唔會有 4K 同中文字幕版...


ws1718 發表於 2019-4-25 15:51

Hugo Fok 發表於 2019-4-26 20:04

有心出好佢的話,其實 “一圈” 無妨...但起碼要 SHOW 到有誠意 {:6_122:}
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