昨晚觀看Now 解碼出的高清畫面有些幹擾,轉什麼now 台都有些微的幹擾,但轉用其它機頂盒觀看畫面就沒有幹擾。到了晚上11點後就回覆正常,請問是什麼問題,如何解決呢?{:1_336:} Just my personal opinion/ guess.Some external source generating the noise and your STB does not have a very good noise shielding...... Just my personal opinion/ guess.
Some external source generating the noise and your STB does not have a very good noise shielding......
iceberg99 發表於 2010-1-21 12:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
請問如何解決! 咁買個magic tv啦最好舊款