駁 NAS 聽 mp3 時窒吓窒吓
各位師兄,我最近買左 Lumin D2 串流機。我發現我駁 NAS 聽歌聽音樂 (mp3) 時所有都不停咁窒吓窒吓,但聽 WAV 時暫時又冇呢個問題,想請教吓大家有沒有遇過呢個情況? 另外,請問大家用聽串流機應該將啲 CD rip 成咩 file?用咩 software? 我只識用 windows。我上網睇全部都係講轉做 flac, wav, alac 等無損檔案。係咪串流機唔支援 mp3?
謝謝! 本帖最後由 wklie 於 2019-3-22 09:04 編輯
Please install MinimServer to your NAS, then in Lumin app, choose MinimServer as the library.See if this fixes the MP3 problem.
For CD ripping, use dbPoweramp.If you like compressed format, use FLAC.If you like uncompressed format, use AIFF.
Lossless formats like these will provide better SQ than MP3. I've tested both 320kbps MP3 and 128kbps MP3 playback by Lumin D2 from MinimServer.Normal. 本帖最後由 franaudio 於 2019-3-22 14:46 編輯
wklie 發表於 2019-3-22 10:08
I've tested both 320kbps MP3 and 128kbps MP3 playback by Lumin D2 from MinimServer.Normal.
Thanks for your reply and advice.
I tried to play some of same music/songs via the USB import of streamer yesterday,however bit choppy and breaking up sounds still existed.So i will try to play the music tonight from apps - minimsevser, or ripping the CD again to higher quality music, hoping that the problem could be solved.
Second, is the sound quality of uncompressed files (e.g. Aiff) better than compressed files (e.g. Flac)?
本帖最後由 wklie 於 2019-3-22 14:50 編輯
franaudio 發表於 2019-3-22 14:42
I tried to play some of same music/songs via the USB import of streamer yesterday,however bit choppy and breaking up sounds still existed.
If you can re-rip the CD, please rip them as lossless format and retry.
If you want, you may also consider uploading 1-2 problematic music to a dropbox or google drive, then send the links to info@luminmusic.com for analysis of the choppy playback, with details of the software and parameters you used for the MP3 encoding.