allen89 發表於 2019-1-28 23:41

4k IMAX 美軍航母記錄片 aircraft carrier, guardian of the seas,HDR10, dolby atmos

本帖最後由 allen89 於 2019-1-29 00:51 編輯



The mission to protect and defend the world's oceans has become more complex and challenging in recent years, and naval aviation has become increasingly vital to success. One of the greatest engineering feats in the history of warfare, the modern Nimitz-class carrier is a masterpiece of technology, and the flagship of the fleet. With RIMPAC — the world's largest and most comprehensive maritime training exercise — providing a stunning visual context for the story, find yourself aboard the USS Ronald Reagan alongside the 5,000 highly skilled sea and air personnel conducting flight operations in the midst of the simulated war exercises taking place there. Rarely has there been a topic so visually suited and compelling for IMAX®.

Bonus Features
Audience Testimonials
F-35 vs. Bugatti vs. Human Cannonball
Usain Bolt vs. Giraffe vs. Nuclear Carrier
F-35 Navy Selects Reel
Aircraft Carrier Trailer & TV Spots

allen89 發表於 2019-1-28 23:42

本帖最後由 allen89 於 2019-1-29 00:39 編輯

畫面是IMAX 比例 1.78:1 , 4K HDR10畫面,全片畫面導演唔覺有使用濾鏡,所以看落去顏色十分自然,無論陰天,晴天的天氣和船隻和飛機等也可以輕鬆表達陰或曬的變化,自然而有現場感。立體感強令人感覺非常真實。解析度非常好,飛機,甲板上的細節也能交代。導演拍攝角度和技巧也唔錯,構圖畫面幾有氣勢。軍事記錄片畫質算唔錯。

音軌是atmos ,最主要音聲是旁白,人聲十分清晰和自然,而現場收錄的真效果聲,音效和加入樣像電影配樂,聽落自然而有氣氛,戰機升降等不會像電影特制音效咁刺激,但也能清楚交代到,令人投入到講述畫面質素算合格收貨。


ws1718 發表於 2019-1-29 08:57

ws1718 發表於 2019-1-29 09:04

haha161 發表於 2019-1-29 21:19

畫面好靚,df-35 都幾勁

ws1718 發表於 2019-1-31 11:36

tomcat-alley 發表於 2019-2-3 07:33

請問師兄隻碟大概幾$? 是否在地庫入手?

allen89 發表於 2019-2-3 07:36

tomcat-alley 發表於 2019-2-3 07:33
請問師兄隻碟大概幾$? 是否在地庫入手?

入手價$26x, 是

granville 發表於 2019-8-21 18:17

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查看完整版本: 4k IMAX 美軍航母記錄片 aircraft carrier, guardian of the seas,HDR10, dolby atmos

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