ykluk 發表於 2019-3-7 10:49

benwongkk 發表於 2019-3-6 10:27

舊野都好很貴,細佬買既既CEC中古+機械臂既價錢可以 ...

聽聲就知陳年嘢有幾好啦~!! {:6_174:}

benwongkk 發表於 2019-3-8 09:49

ykluk 發表於 2019-3-7 10:49

其實我都冇執著,響往既係童年時聽果浸黑膠味道. 如果LP冇左d沙沙我反而會好唔習慣{:6_143:}

wklie 發表於 2019-3-8 10:06

Review of Lumin T2 by High Fidelity, now with English translation:


The T2 is one of the best devices of this kind. It is resolving, delivers nice colors and beautiful space. Purity of the sound translates into a great sound stage and excellent band's extremes

ho55699 發表於 2019-3-9 18:03

同LUMIN D2差得遠唔遠, buget 有限

wklie 發表於 2019-3-10 00:30

ho55699 發表於 2019-3-9 18:03
同LUMIN D2差得遠唔遠, buget 有限

User comparison of Lumin D2 vs T2 from https://www.audioshark.org/showthread.php?t=15692&page=6&p=260189&viewfull=1#post260189

Well... As one of the first happy owners to receive my unit I guess I should write a few words about it...

I have been waiting for the T2 since this summer when I bought the D2, I simply didn't want to go with one of the older models as I thought they were all becoming a bit dated. The D2 had already been launched and I figured an update of the rest of the field was not far away. Meanwhile, the D2 blew all my expectations and I've been very happy with it, but when the T2 was finally announced I just couldn't resist it as it seemed to be all I wanted in the first place.

Immediately when I connected it yesterday I could tell this was a big step up from the D2. As expected when climbing upwards a product ladder it's just more of everything, larger soundstage, more details, more 3-dimensional, deeper bass etc. But something that struck me early was just how effortless and relaxed the music seemed to flow, like the easiest thing in the world. Music feels vivid, more real and intense. I'm trying to avoid words as analogue and organic, but maybe that's exactly what it is. It moves me.

These are still early impressions and I know from the D2 that some burn in time will only do it good and I expect the same here. I'm upsampling to DSD256 with Roon as my current server can't handle DSD512, but a new one capable of that will hopefully arrive before the weekend.

I have no idea how it compares to the T1 as I've never tried it, I have no doubt that it's better though as there would be no reason for a new version otherwise, but if it's worth the money to upgrade I don't know, but I would like to think so!

If someone is currently using a separate DAC and some other streaming solution, having high quality cables to and between these, combining it all into a very VERY nice one-box package with high quality streaming and fabulous DAC, then the T2 would be considered a bargain and almost pay for itself by just getting rid of the unnecessary boxes and cables. To me the T2 is a real winner.

I like it.

A LOT!!!

ykluk 發表於 2019-3-11 10:17

ho55699 發表於 2019-3-9 18:03
同LUMIN D2差得遠唔遠, buget 有限

D2就無試過, 唔敢講...{:8_395:}
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