馬仔 7012+8006 出唔到聲
hello 師兄,我剛剛買了 馬仔SR7012 +8006,我有兩個問題解決唔到,想請教,
1)7012 已跟說明書set 11.1 可以出到 Pre-out Front 到 8006,但都係冇聲。而8006按唔到 Power Amp Direct.
2) ARC 用 HDMI 線落唔到AMP出聲。
請各師兄指教,謝謝。 本帖最後由 gikifk 於 2019-1-6 16:49 編輯
7012要在機後面的前置輸出位用RCA接上線去8006/av Direct
師兄你部8006前面應該有AV/direct按掣的 如果你後面接上AV/direct,而前面按power amp/dir 應該是正確的,如果你按下,燈應該著上,如果唔著就看看說明書,睇下有無須要改變一些內部切定
好似我套Naim 機一樣,好鬼麻煩,要入去改切定才有聲 Push and hold POWER AMP DIRECT button on 8006 till the LED lights up.Hope the above helps. Use RCA cable connect AV amplifier pre out L/R channel to the unit (Power amp direct in) and to use it as a power amplifier.
When a pre-amplifier is connected to this unit and the unit is used as a power amplifier, turn power amp direct mode on.{:1_264:} gikifk 發表於 2019-1-6 16:41
7012要在機後面的前置輸出位用RCA接上線去8006/av Direc ...
Yes 我駁錯線,而家駁返好,唔該師兄! Donny 發表於 2019-1-6 21:17
Push and hold POWER AMP DIRECT button on 8006 till the LED lights up.Hope the above helps.
唔講唔知,原來要按住幾秒。本Quick setup 有=冇。。。