Major or Solaris
各位師兄,Major或Solaris你們會選那個? Major, 整體平均,濶音場. 音樂感高,質素自然. hphp 發表於 2018-12-19 15:58Major, 整體平均,濶音場. 音樂感高,質素自然.
謝謝,不知那裡有DEMO呢 aeolus 發表於 2018-12-19 17:06
Let's go, right shop, master pro. Solaris, 分離, 定位, 空間感全勝 solaris易推好多 仙,分離,定位,空間感以經好强……
神圈,動圈味好正,各有長處! aeolus 發表於 2018-12-19 17:06
Which DAP ching using now? patrick@wong 發表於 2018-12-19 23:19
Which DAP ching using now?
Cowon PLENUE 2 本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2018-12-20 07:00 編輯
aeolus 發表於 2018-12-19 23:35
Cowon PLENUE 2
PLENUE 2 driving power is enough ching can have a try on Major, Solaris also good as well.....DAP source is important if enough power Major can be same level even surpass tia fourte performance. Ching can try and compare which one u prefer.Major High, mid, low frequency band perform very stable and solid