{:1_347:} I experience that with my old Sharp Z12000, where I push red to max and the meter still can't read 100% (around 95-96% in my case).I asked in other forum and someone told me to lower green channel to match the red instead.(As most of the tutorials told us not to touch green)
For your reference. :) 多謝alzard兄回覆
但我已經將B/G嘅gain推去-30(MIN)而R gain推到去+30(MAX)
得出嚟都只係 R 8X& G10X% B110%
攪到我連RBG offset都唔夠膽校
如果我O係color space度校normal, O的色點校都係好淡
但如果校wide呢, 成個color space大晒, 但又點校都唔match HD709
Sypder嘅亞Sam曾經指教過我話有O的機係有Red push,
而O的Red push可能係個colorimeter度唔到
但因為VW60校唔到RGB 100%所以我唔確定係唔係red push問題 I see.Calibrating device is painful and difficult and my i1Display was out of order last week and the red signal reading is inaccurate (very much like yours, but the red reading keeps 5x%).Hope that it is not the problem on the meter itself.
I will go to my friend's home and do calibration on his VW60 probably coming or next week.Let me try and let you know the result. I see.Calibrating device is painful and difficult and my i1Display was out of order last week and the red signal reading is inaccurate (very much like yours, but the red reading keeps 5x%).Hope th ...
alzard 發表於 2010-1-13 10:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Look forward to hearing your report.
Thank you very much.
{:1_347:} {:1_347:}